mBank is one of the first banks in the world to introduce the possibility of confirming transactions in a mobile application. It is even safer than SMS passwords and one-off codes, which are popular nowadays. First, a pilot action will be launched for clients willing to ...

7 December 2016

In Q3 2016 the bank earned PLN 230.5 million. Once more quarterly income exceeded PLN 1 billion and the number of clients rose by another 100 thousand.

26 October 2016

In Q2 2016 mBank Group earned a net profit of PLN 388.5 million. In June the bank’s Supervisory Board approved a new strategy that should make the bank one of the three most cost-efficient and profitable banks in Poland. Focus will be put on clients’ needs and mobility....

29 July 2016

Head of Controlling at Commerzbank Group, Christoph Heins, to become new Vice-President of the Management Board of mBank, Chief Financial Officer.

10 June 2016

mBank posts a net profit of PLN 308 million in Q1 2016 driven by high net interest income and low provisions as well as a focus on organic growth for which the bank is well-known.

28 April 2016

Jörg Hessenmüller, vice-president of mBank, Chief Financial Officer, resigns. Starting from July, he will assume the position of Head of Group Strategy and Development in Commerzbank.

13 April 2016

An IQS survey commissioned by mBank on safe use of the web shows a marked difference between how we perceive the dangers lurking in the web and our own skills and how we behave when browsing and whether we can actually spot the hazards. The report also identifies the gro...

23 February 2016

An IQS survey commissioned by mBank on safe use of the web shows a marked difference between how we perceive the dangers lurking in the web and our own skills and how we behave when browsing and whether we can actually spot the hazards. The report also identifies the gro...

23 February 2016

mBank’s first educational campaign concerning online security has just been launched. Nationwide and multimedia initiative aims at drawing customers’ attention to risky online behaviours and their consequences. That’s because, despite the increasing number of devices con...

21 January 2016

mBank’s first educational campaign concerning online security has just been launched. Nationwide and multimedia initiative aims at drawing customers’ attention to risky online behaviours and their consequences. That’s because, despite the increasing number of devices con...

21 January 2016